WELCOME...for VEGETARIAN COOKING,FENGSHUI SYMBOLS, TARROT READINGS,and BEAUTY TIPS/TREATMENTS for LADIES,and much more ...@ SHRI SOUNDHARYAAS BEAUTYWORLD BOUTIQUE.. Fengshui..is an ancient science and chinese art of space arrangement and assigning the objects inan human environment so as it wont disturb the natural energy flow. People in spite of language ,caste and creed use a large number of symbols in their homes which enhance goodluck,health,wealth ,success,children,marital problems and good relations etc which are implemented and has made life quite effective..It is the art of symbolizing displaying pictures and articles which are considered as conveyors of the hidden meanings by displaying according to the needs..which you enjoy them only after using the positive purpose fengshui symbols in the homes/offices and yield good results. Moreover the usage of symbols have an impact on peoples subconscious mind hence is simply implied/ applied for betterment of living. All the remedies/cures in the form of symbols,are energised and programmed to the specific purpose,and suggested according to their problems.. Tarrot reading..not only predicts you but also can give you the answers to all of your problems.It communicates fortune telling through its differant spreads and tells through its differant visual images on their cards. Beauty..is a beautiful word,which reminds us Miss world,Miss Universe etc.Following the tips related to beauty,health and home,and reading the beauty topics makes us enhance ourselves to stay in touch and keep fit,with the present beauty world. Cooking..The necessity to every being to learn cook and eat varieties of recipes/dishes inorder to live is a Must.Cooking vegetarian delicacies is my hobby,here i have given all of my cooked recipes which I experimented and cook in my kitchen..Please have a look and if you like it just place a comment which energise me,making me enthusiastic to cook more...Thanq Friends. Symbols+Place location+Hardwork+Belief=100% Success....

Friday 4 May 2012



A few more tips regarding a good fengshui home.

•See that the bedroom should not be quite opposite to the entrance of the main livingroom.

 •Do not place your office table and chair,opposite to the office door entrance.It should be a bit aside to the office door.If it is placed exactly in the opposite of the office door,you will not receive the cooperation of the staff members in the office.

 •Do  make your seat arrangement in the office,by  facing  the door in front  or side of you.Do not arrange the seating  arrangement by facing the office door in the back of you.And if it is inevitable place a mirror reflecting the entrance of the office door in front of your seat.

 •When you think that you are lagging behind in your career,then place a big photo frame of you with a cheerful laughing face,in your home,in the exactly centre of north wall of the living room.

 •Do not place tv,radio,alaram timepiece etc in your bedroom.

 •Atleast once in a 3 months clean the clutter in the house.

•In the home garden,in the east portion grow a bamboo plant or tree.Or else stick a bamboo tree  wall poster to your wall in the east side.

 •See that the entrance of your home or office,is perfectly clean without any clutterlike tables stools,or shoes ,or stands  obstructing the good energy to enter .

•Fengshui obstructs thorns or sharp edged plants in growing in home gardens.

Likewise there are some tips with which we can modify our homes with fengshui.

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