WELCOME...for VEGETARIAN COOKING,FENGSHUI SYMBOLS, TARROT READINGS,and BEAUTY TIPS/TREATMENTS for LADIES,and much more ...@ SHRI SOUNDHARYAAS BEAUTYWORLD BOUTIQUE.. Fengshui..is an ancient science and chinese art of space arrangement and assigning the objects inan human environment so as it wont disturb the natural energy flow. People in spite of language ,caste and creed use a large number of symbols in their homes which enhance goodluck,health,wealth ,success,children,marital problems and good relations etc which are implemented and has made life quite effective..It is the art of symbolizing displaying pictures and articles which are considered as conveyors of the hidden meanings by displaying according to the needs..which you enjoy them only after using the positive purpose fengshui symbols in the homes/offices and yield good results. Moreover the usage of symbols have an impact on peoples subconscious mind hence is simply implied/ applied for betterment of living. All the remedies/cures in the form of symbols,are energised and programmed to the specific purpose,and suggested according to their problems.. Tarrot reading..not only predicts you but also can give you the answers to all of your problems.It communicates fortune telling through its differant spreads and tells through its differant visual images on their cards. Beauty..is a beautiful word,which reminds us Miss world,Miss Universe etc.Following the tips related to beauty,health and home,and reading the beauty topics makes us enhance ourselves to stay in touch and keep fit,with the present beauty world. Cooking..The necessity to every being to learn cook and eat varieties of recipes/dishes inorder to live is a Must.Cooking vegetarian delicacies is my hobby,here i have given all of my cooked recipes which I experimented and cook in my kitchen..Please have a look and if you like it just place a comment which energise me,making me enthusiastic to cook more...Thanq Friends. Symbols+Place location+Hardwork+Belief=100% Success....

Wednesday 27 February 2013



STOVE TOP METHOD..Double ka meetha,a Hyderabadi special is a very tasty sweet which is liked by one and all.I prepare  this stove top method occassionally,as it consumes more ghee which is not advisable for health now a days.Weight watchers and calorie conscious please beware of this dish.
Bread slices-10 nos
(the 4 ends are cut off,and each bread slice is made into 4 pieces)
Ghee-150 gms
Sugar-3/4 th to 1 cup
Depends on your levels
Milk-2 cups
Water-3/4 th cup
Food colour-a pinch(optional)
Cardamom powder -2 pinches
Raisins,Cashew nuts-2 tbsp
Saffron-a few strands

  • Place a small shallow pan on the stove  and pour 2 tbsp ghee in it.
  • Add the cashew nuts and after a minute add raisins and toss well till brown .Switch off and keep aside.
  • Place a pan and pour the ghee in it.
  • After the ghee started heating,add the bread pieces and deep fry until light brown.
  • Take care not to burn them.Place them on a tissue paper. 
  • Meanwhile boil the milk seperately and let it boil for 2 minutes.
  • Add the fried bread pieces to the boiled milk and food colour.
  • Meanwhile, add sugar and water Cardamom powder and let it boil until fully dissolved,boil it for 2 to 3  minutes.
  • And  now add  the fried bread pieces and milk mixture into it .Mix well.
  • Then add   the  cashew and raisins mixture and mix well.Switch off the stove and serve hot.


Double ka meetha..in microwave version is a bit not  problematic  to calorie conscious.We use very less ghee in to it.One cannot get the full satisfaction of eating the signature dish, original double ka meetha ,but atleast one can be guilt free,and can get a bit of sweet eating  satisfaction  by eating this.
Bread slices-10 nos
Ghee-2  tbsp
Sugar -from 5 to 6 tbsp
Condensed milk-1/2 cup
Boiled milk-1/2 cup
Cardamom powder
Cashew nuts,Raisins 


  • Place 1 tsp of ghee in a micro safe plastic bowl and Micro high for 1 minute.
  • Now add cashew nuts,and other nuts and Microhigh for 1 minute.
  • Mix well .And add raisins and again Micro high for 1 and 1/2 minutes,keep aside.
  • Cut the 4 edges of the bread,apply ghee to both sides of bread with a spoon/knife.
  • For all the 10 slices of bread we can apply just 1and 1/2  full tablespoon of un heated ghee.
  • Now place the ghee applied bread slices in a square shaped Borosil,microwaveable glass tray side by side and Micro High for 1and 1/2 minutes.
  • Remove out ,flip to the other side with a spoon,now again Micro High for 1and 1/2 minutes.
  • Now add 1/2 cup of condensed milk,1/2 cup boiled milk(mix food colour in milk) and sugar and cardamom powder and Micro@ 80% for 6 to 8  minutes.
  • Check your time for a minute or two,as power of micro-ovens vary from each other,and the power of my micro oven is 1100 watts.
  • Mix well,it looks like bread halwa,and now add the fried cashews and raisins mixture .Serve hot.

Tuesday 26 February 2013


NEEM LEAVES... have medicinal values and they can be used as beauty products too from face packs to hair conditioner.

  • Boil 2 to 3 handfulls of neem leaves in 2 litres of water.Boil up to the water turn green.Switch off and store in a bottle after the neem water is cool.
  • Daily add 50 ml of neem water to the bucket of hot water and bathe.By doing this,the skin infections and facial pimples will be reduced.
  • Dip a cotton wool in this neem water,and apply on your face before going to bed.By this the pimples ,and pimple marks and black heads will be reduced.
  •  FACE PACK..Boil a handful of neem leaves along with orange  peels with 1 cup of water.Make a paste of them, after they turn cool,and add to this paste,1/2 tsp of honey ,and 1/2 tsp curds and soya milk ,mix them into a paste.Apply this paste as a face pack thrice a week,then the pimple marks will be reduced.
  • To reduce oilyness from Oily textured skin ,apply curds,neem powder,and lime juice mixture to the face to retain the freshness .
  • SOFT SKIN..For glowing skin,add neem powder with curds,rose petals powder,milk and mix into a paste.Apply this as a face pack for 15  min and wash.
  • HAIR CONDITIONER..Boil 2 handfulls of neem leaves in water, and apply it to the scalp after they turn cool.It acts as a good hair conditioner.Add amla powder,and shikakai powder too,and wash your hair and use it as herbal shampoo.
  • DANDRUFF..Make a paste of 2 tbsp methi seeds,along with neem leaves which are soaked for 3 hours.Apply the paste to the hair and retain it for an hour ,and have headbath..By this regular proceedure the dandruff will be reduced and vanished..

Sunday 24 February 2013


CHILDREN....though how innocent and  good they may be but,sometimes behave adamant,arrogant ,be fussy,crying and behaving in a  peculiar way..this may be due to stress.
  • And when they wont play,dont eat their favourite items too,all these symptoms say that,they may be under stress.
  • Not only elders but even children have stress related problems,though small they consider them as big problem.
  • The elders ..especially the mothers, has to watch them,convince them and bring back to normal position.
  • First, the moms has to show love ,affection,and convince their kid and has  to know the cause of the irritation of their kid .

  • Causes of stress in kids....Children are very sensitive..and if they are given more home works which are more than the kids capacity ,or if the teacher scolds before other  students,they  feel inferior and insulted,this may be the cause of the stress.
  • If the kids feel that they are not cared for, they feel alone and depressed, and will be stressed..
  • Kids may feel inferior,if their friends purchase any new school bag,new shoes or dress or toys etc.
  • Sometimes children may fight in between themselves,and may feel that their close friend is not talking to him/her.
  • Some children,when they see the violence like explosions in televisions,or scenes in wars they may get panic and disturbed.

  • How to know the cause of your childs stress ..
  • The parents have to observe the kids nature until they are big.And if the child behaviour is differant and  not usual..talk to her/him.
  • Dont be so strict when they get less marks,as some children will be over sensitive .Encourage them..to get more marks in the next examination, or tell them to try once again,like this encourage them, give them courage.
  • Make a habbit of talking to them friendly daily,and enquire about the routine they had,in their school and friends matters.
  • Only if you are not over strict with your kid,then only you can know all about her/his friends or school matters etc.
  • If  other friends in the school,tease your child,tell her/him to take it easy ,and tell your child  to take it sportively.
  • Take them to dinners ,and spend quality time with the kids,play with them,and see  cartoon movies with them quite often whenever you are free.Let them feel  free and open with you.
  • Now when  they feel free,they will open their mind and disclose  what is going in their mind.
  • At least  either of the parents,spend some of your time with kids in the evenings daily .
  • Let the kids talk freely, with their loving mom and dad ,and share what is going on in their minds so you can advice them.
  • In recent modern times,the parents know the value of their children and behaving in a decent way unlike olden days..but still a small percentage of people are adamant.
  • Be friendly with them,and as in the case of TV violance,tell them that these are quite common and not to feel or take to heart.
  • Regarding scenes related to wars,tell them how the soldiers inorder to save their country people,fight for their country with courage.
  • Tell your child only with courage a person can achieve his goal.
  • Find out what the problem is in your childs mind,and try to console him and figure out with a solution..after all a mother is her childs bestest friend


Time is precious and valuable one for every one.When you feel like much work is left over even though when you are non stop working,then plan it and divide the work according a  plan.  Make it more valuable ..by  detecting the faults/mistakes and go according to a wise decission.

  • Enter the list of the works you have to complete in a day in a serial order according to the importance of a certain work..
  • Do/complete  it accordingly,without any confusions.
  • When you dont have an idea on future plans life turns monotonous.
  • You should have a plan/idea on the works that should be done for near by future,you should have a complete picture ,for this you have to figure out specific goals.
  • Differentiate them as short/temporary goals , and  long term goals.
  • Tick them accordingly,and work on them according to the priority.
  • Complete the work in time, which you planned it.
  • When  2 to 3  works are to be started  at a time, dont leave a work incomplete,and postpone it and give excuses for not completing it.
  • Like wise works will never be completed in time.
  • Plan accordingly effectively,sometimes multi tasking is good and essential too.
  • Likewise..we will be trained to work efficiently by practice,and act accordingly to the situation..  

Friday 22 February 2013


Kandhi pachhadi..is a popular chutney with hot steamed rice and a dallop of ghee .It is a complete and fulfilling variety among chutneys ,served as one of the side dish in a complete square meal .
Tur dal/kandhi pappu-1 small cup/ 100 gms
Tamarind-1 marble sized
Oil -1 tbsp
Red chillies-10 no.s
(According to your spicy levels)
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Jeera-1/2 tsp
Garlic flakes-a few
Roast the tur dal in a shallow  pan in medium flame till light brown.
Wash them and keep aside.
In another pan,add 1 tsp oil and add red chilys first,after frying them ,take off in to the grinding jar.
Now add the mustard,jeera and garlic flakes in to the remaining oil and let them splutter.Keep aside.
Wet grind the red chillies,and roasted turdal ,along with tamarind and salt into semi coarse paste,by adding little amount of water.
Lastly add garlic and again grind for a few seconds.Now garnish with seasoning.Remove /transfer in to a serving dish.It tastes well with hot steamed rice and ghee.

Monday 18 February 2013



  • Hair loss may be due to many reasons.
  • For an average person,commonly daily 50 to 100 hairs fall is a common thing which no body need to worry.
  • When the old hair falls , new hair starts comming in its place. 
  • But when new hair is not seen comming soon,and when the hair is lost  in patches,and when the hair fall increases you have to think.
  • And if it lasts for more than 4 to 5 months you have to go for a doctor/physician.

Hair loss causes...

  • May be due to changes in hormone levels-which your doctor has to decide through tests.
  • May be due to negligance in hair care-Due to continuos bleachings,frequently changing varieties of hair dyes,and hot ironing,straightenings etc.
  • Due to mal nutrition or vitamin defficiency-Balanced diet is necessary for a healthy being.But unhealthy dietings and unbalanced diet  like fast foods cause defficiency and malnutrition.Lack of fresh fruits,vegetables and protein rich diet can minimise the  malnutrition .
  • Maintain a routine to clean scalp,hair,by regular headbaths,oily massages,dandruff free hair,by keeping the scalp clean.
  • Check your family heridatory whether your ancestors or parents have bald head.
  • Some donts to follow are,never comb the hair while it is wet.Only comb with a good comb which has wide tooth,only after   the hair is dryed,and detangle the hair very carefully.
  • Check your intake of medicines,if you are using for chronic illness..
Remedies for hair loss...

  • Lead a healthy life style.Eat vegetables and fruits and protein and calicium rich diet.
  •  Taking  multivitamins supplements may help with hair fall.
  •  Include multivitamin supplements  which have all vitamins and nutrients which includes iron,protein,vit-C,Omega-3 fatty acids,Zinc and Biotin.
  • Keep your hair clean ,without any hair problems like dandruff,alopecia,etc.
  • Avoid various all varieties of harsh treatments,chemicals,hair dyes ,permanent colours,tight hair styling,perming,  hair straightening,etcs.
  • Stop blow drying the hair quite often.
  • Stop rough handling the wet hair like rough towelling,detangling and combing etc.and be gentle to the hair.
  • Henna your hair,only with natural henna leaves paste,mixed with curds,methi powder,and hibiscus flowers paste,amla paste and  eggs.But henna is suitable for only black hair as a natural conditioner,but not for fully grey hair as it looks  peculiar.
  • Avoid stress and strain.
  • Have plenty of sleep.
  • Massage with herbal/coconut/olive/almond oil regularly.
  • Donot colour your hair more  often,than 1 to 1 and 1/2 months.Slow down on the  hair dyeing.Use only mild hair dyes.
  • Use only mild shampoos,and avoid harsh shampoos.
  • Donot use tight pony tails with elastics or rubberbands.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid low-calorie liquid/crash diets. 


Sunday 17 February 2013



Tomato rasam /Tomato charu ..is a common dish in the Indian homes for lunch or dinner.I prepared this in microwave oven,and tested it,from that day onwards I started preparing all types of stews and rasams in a few minutes in microwave.
Water -4  mugs
(corelle mugs)
Tamarind-1 small lime
Tomatoes -2 nos(chopped)
Rasam powder-2 tbsp
Cooked dal-2 tbsp(optional)
Curry leaves
Cilantro leaves
Jaggery/sugar-1/4 tsp or 2 pinches
Oil -1 and 1/2 tbsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Methi seeds-a pinch
Red chilli slits-2 to 3 tsp
Hing-a pinch
Micro-wave Method..
Place.. a dry microsafe bowl with oil init,and Micro High for 30 seconds.
Remove out,and add the mustards,methi,and red chilli slits ,hing and MicroHigh for 2 minutes.
Remove,and add chopped tomatoes,curry and corriander leaves and Micro High for 4 minutes.Mix once in between.
Now add water, tamarind,rasam powder,jaggery,cooked dal,salt and boil for 10 to 12 minutes.
Garnish with cilantro and serve.

1 cup Toor dal
1/2 cup Dhania seeds
(a bit less than 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup Jeera
1/4 cup Pepper seeds
4 to 5 red chillies
Place a pan on the stove and add tur dal and roast,in low flame.
After it is half roasted add dhania seeds,and red chillies and again roast for 2 to 3 minutes .Lastly add jeera and pepper seeds and roast them totally.Dry grind it into powder after it turns cool and store in a air tight  container.



Cooking Rice is a very normal and the easiest cooking which every one does in prestige cookers,on normal gas stoves, and slow current cookers.
In the western countries where Indians stay,they are habituated to cook rice in microwave ovens daily,but only a few cook rice in microwave ovens in India.
Here is..the rice cooking proceedure in microwave oven,for those who are new to microwave cooking.
Rice-2 cups
(Corelle large cup)
Water-4 and 1/2 cups
Wash rice well in a microwave safe bowl,(Microwave safe plastic ,or borosil or pyrex bowl).Add 4 and 1/2 cups water and Micro high for 18 minutes.Stand it still for 2 minutes.Take out and mix well.It will be fluffy,immediately place/cover with a lid,and place on the table.Serve hot.
If you want less fluffy add a bit more water,check yourself.These are my rice cooking measurements.



  • The microwave oven door-should not be used quite often.
  • Avoid  exploding by boiling eggs/ bang is to be avoided,as it may cause any strain  which may cause leakage of the microwaves.
  • Small quantities of food with dry,and less moisture  can burn, spark, or catch fire if re-heated for long.
  • Do not operate an empty oven, as it can cause damage to the oven. 
  • Keep at least five cms space on  the back of the oven with the wall immediately near it as it allows the  exhaust air to escape. 
  • Do not install the oven near gas burners or near radios or TVs.
  • Do not deep fry,in the oven as it is flammable,and it may result in catching fire easily.
  • Donot add oil-in an empty wet microwave bowl for seasoning as it catches sparks of fire, caused by the wetness. 
  • If food catches fire turn off the oven, remove the plug out, but do not open the door of the oven.
  • Keep the interior of the oven clean,clean it everyday after  cooking,as small food particles inside  can reduce its efficiency.
  • Do not cook- eggs with the shells as they explode surely. 
  • Do not heat- food or liquids in bottles with lids closed. 
  • Do not warm bottles- with lids on for babies.
  • Milk or any food, for kids- must be heated on lower temperature only. 
  • Pierce vegetables and fruits, with tight skin- to prevent them from bursting before cooking them.


• Metal steel,aluminium vessels and glass containers with designs are not at all usable in micro-wave,,Say a big NO for metal vessels.To be on safe side,use plain  Corelle crockery sets.

• The plastic containers that you get as free gifts when you purchase microwave are better used only for reheating. Avoid cooking in it.

• To ensure that the glass bowl that you are using is microwave safe, fill it with water and micro high for 1 minute.  If the glass  bowl continues to remain cool, it is fit for cooking. For example-Use Borosil/Pyrex glass vessels

• Ensure that the vegetables are evenly cut- for even and faster cooking. Add water to just dip the vegetables  and keep adding when required as excess water will delay cooking. 

• Microwave cooking requires a little more water than cooking in gas.

• Rice is best cooked in microwave if soaked in water for at least 20 minutes.

• To cook dal faster in microwave, soak it in water for half an hour.Add 1/2 tsp cooking oil to the water while cooking dal.

• Before cooking potatoes, tomatoes, pierce them all over so that they don’t blast.

During cooking-

• Timing plays a crucial role in the success of a microwave recipe. The time taken to cook rice, dhals and vegetables 
differ with quantity, quality and size of the cut vegetables.

• Mix the food well once every 2 to 3 minutes, so that it cooks evenly.

• Be in touch watching the micro-wave while it is in use-Keep checking if there is sufficient water, else food will get burnt.

• For cooking dals, always use a larger vessel, add some turmeric powder and few drops of oil to prevent spilling.

• Microwave extracts more taste from spices and salt…Hence use a bit lesser quantity than what you use for cooking on gas.

After Cooking-

• Use some cloth or cotton cloth  gloves to remove the glass bowls from the microwave.

• After removing the glass bowls from the microwave, don’t keep it directly on slabs or  cold surfaces as it will develop cracks. Always place a thick towel and then the glass bowl on it.

• Always allow 2-5 minutes standing time for food cooked in microwave prior to consumption.


Many of us do own a microwave-oven for the sake of prestige,and only for baking and re-heating purposes.But mostly, many of us dont know the uses of microwave oven  .

  • I exchanged my 1st microwave oven,as I did not or say never used it after I purchased it,as I do not know how to use it to full extent..Once in a month or 2 months I used to reheat left over food at most for 3 to 4 minutes.Finally for not using it for more than 1 year it got stucked and I had to replace it with  a new one In India..
  • Then I started to google full information of microwave ovens.Now  I  cook every day from morninng breakfast to night dinner in the microwave oven, freshly due to the hot temp here.
  • I am sharing the information with my friends in my blog.Hence this article for you..
Time for cooking and boiling in micro-wave oven.

  •  Cooking/Boiling Potatoes...Place 5 to 6 aloo in a micro-safe dish with half water. 
  • Cover and cook in High mode for around 9 minutes and then allow it to stand for sometime. Then drain and peel.
  • Cooking popcorns...Place a handful of corn in a micro-safe dish and cover it. Then cook on Micro high for 5 minutes and then transfer into a plate.
  • Cooking curry... In a micro-safe dish put 1 tbsp of oil, 1 tbsp of ginger-garlic paste and cook on Micro high for 4 minutes.Now add some chopped tomatoes and the required masala for the flavor desired  and cook on Micro high for another 4 minutes adding some water to the mixture.
  • Roasting of nuts...Spread the nuts on a ceramic plate adding salt or any other masala to taste and cook high for 3 to 4 minutes. Serve after 5 minutes.
  • Cooking custard... Mix well one-cup milk, two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of custard powder thoroughly and cook on Micro high mode for 2 minutes and after it is cooled place in the freezer and serve after cooled. 
  • Preparing Pizza topping...Place 1 tbsp oil, 1 cup tomato puree, 1 cup tomato paste, and salt and pepper to taste in a micro-safe dish and cook on Micro high for about 6 minutes.
  • Cooking vegetables...In a micro safe dish add 1 tbsp oil and add the seasoning and Micro high for 1 to 2  min ,and add onion chop and again Micro high for another 2 to 3 min,put about 250 grams of vegetables desired with salt to taste and about two cups water and cook on MicroHigh for 12 to 16 minutes depending on the vegetables.
  • To make bread crumbs...Cook bread in the oven on High mode for 2 to 3 minutes and then crush it.
  • Chappathi...Wrap the chapattis in a napkin or in a paper towel and heat on Microhigh for 1 minute.
  • For crispy biscuits , etc...Place the biscuits, nuts or chips on a plate and heat on high for 1 minute and allow it to stand for 5 minutes.
  • To prepare finger bowl...Micro High a small bowl with two tablespoons water and juice of one lemon. It can also be placed in rooms to absorb any strong odours.
  • Preparing vegetable stock...Take the vegetables chop,onion chop and chopped potato and salt and cook on Micro@ 60% for 12 minutes.
  • Roast nuts like cashews and groundnuts in microwave and store them for future use.  For this, spread out the nuts in the microwave safe plate (preferably plate instead of bowl) and Micro high for about 2 minutes for 1/2 cup of nuts. 
  • However, just check once in between and ensure they dont get burnt. Dont consume immediately.  They become crisp when cooled. 
  • Make paneer in the microwave-- Micro high 4 cups of milk in a doubly sized microwave safe bowl for 5 minutes.  Stir every 2 minutes in between. Now add 2 tbsp of curd and micro high for 1 more minute.  Leave it to cool for five minutes and then drain out the water. 
  • To blanch tomatoes, use a toothpick to make holes in the tomato, and Micro high it for around 30 seconds. Allow a standing time of 2 minutes and then blanch them.
  • To extract tamarind juice, add some water to it and Microhigh for 3 minutes in a microwave safe bowl. 
  • Allow standing time of 5-10 minutes and extract the juice. Its much easier to do this way. 
  • To get more lemon juice, Micro high the lemon for around 20 seconds in a microwave safe plate

Saturday 16 February 2013


We..spend much time,and money on skin..trying to make it wrinkle free and ageless ,with antioxidants etc.
  • But our hair reveals the secret of our age by becoming grey..and to some people it turns grey at an early stage making them look old at an young age..
  • The cause -is only a few of us, spend time or effort into ensuring our hair to stay healthy,but many of us neglect.
  • But if we spent some time looking after our hair as we do looking after our skin, surely everyone looks,and feel,look young..
  White hair/Grey hair
  • Grey hair..It is the number1 indicator of old look however,young one may be,if she has grey hair.
  • As we know, grey hair is by far an accurate indicator, and many people start getting grey hair right from twelve years.
  • The lifestyles,pollution ,food habbits and the genes,genetic factors  may play an important role in greying early.
  • Some choose to colour their grey hair, while others let it stay natural,but looking prematurely old.
  • Grey hair does make you look much older than your actual age,than you would look with coloured hair.
  • But many of the hair dyes  make hair hard/brittle, so be choosy and picky when selecting a hair colour.
  • You are lucky enough if you are not having grey hair until you are in fifty years of age,surely  you will look younger than your colleagues and friends,who needs colouring their hair.
  • Select a hair dye/hair colour which is gentle in nature,and has moisturiser instead of harsh colour. 
  • However,if you have to start colouring hair from young age,then make a selection of hair dyes with utmost care..
  • Check the  list of the chemicals/materials used in making the dye, and consult your family doctor,or google for the verification about the chemicals used .
  • But go for branded companies products with name and fame,to avoid hassles and troubles..as they may give us the accurate and safe products..
  • Now a days there are many relliable hair colourants available in the markets,but a perfect scrutiny is needed before selecting them..
  • Never prefer Jet black or dark black colour,it looks artificial.I use Loreal/Naturtint 2N brown black for my family.It looks quite natural.
  • Look beautiful and gorgeous  like an Angel with black hair.. 

Thursday 14 February 2013



  • Red Roses...Fresh red roses with dew drops is a symbol of Love.Roses are the flowers which Lovers give each other.We have seen them in many movies too,lovers giving and receiving red roses.etc.
  • Not only red roses, but there are differant colours  in roses which convey messages with them.
  • YELLOW ROSE...If you want to convey a message to your friend or lover ,give her a yellow rose.It says that "You are my friend/lover,and I will take care of you".Yellow rose represents both friendship and joy, happiness,and freedom too.If you want to convey a message to your friend saying "I want our friendship to turn into love"then tie a red coloured velvet ribbon to the yellow rose.
  • VIOLET ROSE...If you want to convey "Love at first sight"then give  violet colour rose to her.
  • PINK ROSE...If you want to convey"Thank you"then give pink colour rose.
  • WHITE ROSE...Conveys mental peace,purity,sanctity and silence.
  • ORANGE ROSE...Conveys your hopes and implied  desire,saya "I am proud of you".
  • WHITE ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys wishes  "Happy marital life" to the newly married couple .
  • BLACK ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys hatred and good bye especially from your lover,and is commonly used in funerals.
  • RED AND WHITE ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys unity of lovers.
  • WHITE AND PINK ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys "Lasting Love" wishes to near and dear. 
  • RED ROSE...Red rose symbolizes "True love",and it directly conveys"I LOVE YOU" meaning.It signifies a lovers  respect.It means love,unity,romance as well as passion.

So...give colour roses and convey, according to the symbolic meanings..

  • 1 RED ROSE...Conveys a message"I like you ,and you are a special to me".
  • 2 RED ROSES...Conveys a message"We both are in love".
  • 3 RED ROSES...Conveys a message"I love you".
  • 11 RED ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys "I love  you more than any one".
  • 25  ROSES BOUQUET...Conveys"All the best", "Congrats".
  • 50  ROSES BOUQUET..Conveys" Love without expectations".
  • 100 ROSES BOUQUET..Convey"I will stand by you all the life"
  • ROSE WITHOUT THORNS...Conveys" Love and relationship".
  • ROSES WITH LEAVES...Conveys " Lifelong  sweet relationship"
  • 13 ROSES WITHOUT PERSON...Conveys "Silent Love".

Wednesday 13 February 2013



Vankaya jeelakarra karam..There are 5 to 6 varieties of stuffed brinjals curries.It is another variation among the brinjal curries.Naturally brinjal curry tastes yummy either with steamed rice or rotis..This is a very simple and easiest of all and can prepare it in emergency times.It is not suitable for auspicious days as onions are added. 
Brinjals- 500 gms
Cut in to 4 halves with the ends intact
Onions-4 to 5 nos-medium size
chopped into chunks
Red chillie powder-2 tbsp
According to your spicy levels
Jeera powder-1 tsp
Salt-as required
Oil -3 to 4 tbsp
U can reduce the oil,if you are calorie conscious
Mix  the chilli powder,jeera and salt together with a spoon.
Stuff in to the brinjals.
Now place a pan on the stove ,add oil to it.
After the oil is heated add the stuffed brinjals and onions chunks.
Mix well,and cook in low to medium flame until cooked.
This curry cooks well if it is covered with a lid,without burning.
Surely it may take 20 to 30 mins time on gas stove.
Serve with steamed rice or rotis.

Monday 11 February 2013


•To improve the eye lashes ,at bed time apply 2 drops of  pure castor oil to the eye lashes.
 •Massage  dry and wrinkled elbows every day at bedtime with a good moisturizer or baby oil to make it soft,smooth .
 •Massage your face and neck every night at bedtime with a good moisturizer  or baby oil to make it soft,smooth and glowing.
 •If the skin around the heels become hard and cracked ,scrub your heels with a pumice stone using soap and water. Lastly wash and massage nicely with a vaseline.
 •To improve and moisturize  dry complexion, take a teaspoon of badam oil and mix with a half spoon of milk cream and lime juice. Apply every night before bed on face and neck.
 •To get cure from rough dry skin around the knees,elbows and heels,massage them regularly with castor oil.
 •In the winter or cool weather take oil bath to prevent your body from becoming dry.Put 1 tbsp of olive oil in your bath water
along with a few drops of your favourite cologne. The skin will turn soft after the bath.



Pappu pulusu.. is a traditional Andhra vegetarian  variety  made with tur dal,and sounds best among various stews.It is  nutritionally a complete and fulfilling one and has delicious taste too.
Tur dal-1 cup
Onions -1 large 
(Made into chunks)
Tamarind-1 big lime sized
(Squeezed into juice by adding 5cups of water)
Green chillies-6 to 10 nos
(made into slits)
Garlic flakes-10 nos
Oil- 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds-1/2 tsp
Methi seeds-a pinch
Red chillies-8nos
(Add according to your spicy levels)
Chilli powder-1/2 tsp
(If necessary)
Sugar/Jaggery-1/2 tsp
Curry leaves

  • First of all ,dry roast the tur dal for 3 minutes in a kadai on low flame.
  • Wash the roasted tur dal,and add 2 and 1/2 cups water ,and pressure cook till the dal is done.
  • After 3 whistles, switch off the stove, and let it stand aside for half an hour.
  • Now add the oil to a micro safe bowl and Micro High for 30 seconds.
  • Add the seasoning mustard seeds,methi and red chilli slits and again Micro High for 2 minutes.
  • Remove out and mix well,and add onion chunks and garlic flakes and MicroHigh for 4 minutes.
  • Mix once  for every 2 minutes.
  • Remove out,mix well and add squeezed tamarind juice,green chilli slits ,chilli powder,salt required, and Micro High for 8 minutes.
  • If your spicy levels are high then only add chilli powder.
  • It starts boiling by now,remove out add cooked tur dal,and 1/2 tsp of sugar/jaggery,curry leaves and Micro @80% for 10 to 12 mins.
  • Check for every 4 minutes.Add cilantro and stand aside covered for 15 mins.
  • Serve hot with steamed rice and roasted papads.
  • After cooking tur dal in a pressure cooker,let it stand for half an hour .
  • After the pressure goes off take the cooked dal out into another bowl.
  • Now place a pan on the stove,add oil,and after it is heated,add seasoning and redchilli slits.
  • After they splutter add onion chunks and garlic and fry for 5 min on low flame.
  • Then add the squeezed tamarind juice,green chilli slits,chilli powder and salt and let it boil.
  • Now add the cooked tur dal,sugar and curry leaves and let it continue boil for 5 mins in low flame.
  • Add cilantro and switch off the stove and cover it with a lid.
  • Let it stand aside for 15 mins,and then serve hot with steamed rice .

Sunday 10 February 2013


Henna..has been used since ages as a hair colourant. Henna,as mehandhi has been used for skin dyeing since ancient times to dye skin, as a temporary tattooing on hands,fingers and hair.

  • The name is also used for other dyes too,black henna and chemicals mixed henna, which are not derived from mehandi plant.
  • Henna is a tall shrub or small tree,multiple branched cultivated in sub tropical regions  of Africa,Southern Asia and Northern Australia.
  • Henna.. is an herbal option.. for those who are allergic to chemical based hair dyes, considered by many Indian women for colouring their grey hair.

  • Some hair dressers say,that henna is not safe,but for REAL HENNA it is not true.
  • Henna and Black henna is different.Black henna is chemical based .

  • Natural henna may be herbal,until unless any colouring chemicals are added.We have to rely on them.
  • As some henna powders have metallic compounds that react with the ammonia activator in synthetic hair dyes. So,Buy henna only from reputable sources to avoid this,or go natural.
  • Experts say,that instead of relying on the henna powders directly wet grind the mehandi leaves with water and apply to the hair.
  • It gives a dark red/brown colour to the grey hair when kept for longer periods.
  • For light brown/shade remove/wash in one hour only. 
  • Henna dries out the hair and causes it to be brittle in the long run,it is not an good idea to henna for a long time, say years together.
  • Next compulsorily- To avoid dryness,use a moisturizer or oil  to soften the henna hair.
  • After applying henna,as a hairdye for more than one hour your hair will become brownish/reddish.Only selective people like the shade.
  • In my view,when you have grey hair upto 25% to 50% then henna is useful to you much,as the hair totally looks well,and you can retain upto 1to 2 hours.
  • But when you have grey hair more than 75% of your total hair,then you have to think ,as it looks red/brown tinge.
  • Those who are allergic to respiratory problems and asthamatics,may suffer due to cold and coughs and pneumonia due to the wet henna on the hair for a long period. 
  • The problem with regularly hennaing is the duration of the  time,dryness and brittle hair,the red/brown colour and lastly prone to cold allergies.
Henna  as a hair dye..
  • Go natural,by using self made henna powder/paste,or purchase from a reputable known shop.Or you can get the henna leaves, and dry them and powder them and store them in a airtight container for people who has the oppurtunity.
  • Mix henna powder,with tea decoction/instant coffee powder,a night before.
  • Before applying add whole egg(if u can tolerate the smell)/egg whites,mix well and apply on the hair.
  • Keep on your hair for 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours.
  • Moisturize.. after you henna your hair compulsorily go for moisturizing your hair ,which softens your henna hair.
  • Moisturize your hair with  eggs,or curds or coconut milk ,herbal oil and keep your hair clean with regular  headbaths.
  • Apply a conditioner,and keep your hair under condition..

Highlights ..
  • You can also go for highlights, and highlight colour all grey hair.
  • So the rest of your hair will stay healthy, being your greyhair is covered with highlights, and your hair will look gorgeous.
Hair dye/ Hair colour..
  • Go for a temporary, mild and gentle, herbal hair colourant,which just deposits colour on grey hair without impacting natural hair.
  •  Best go for the gentle hair colour that you can find in the market, especially if your hair is grey.
  • If you have more grey hair go for a hair colour.
  • Do not use hair dyes which contain ammonia, go for ammonia free hairdyes..
  • But they do contain hydrogen peroxide ,but hydrogen peroxide is less damaging for the hair.
  • See that dyes do not contain parabens and sulphates too.
  • Select for mild colourants ,and do not go for permanent hair colour which lasts for 5 to 6 weeks. 
  • It is a confusion.. to select henna or a hair dye,but it is up/left  to personal .
  • Hair loss may be due to many reasons,check them without getting panic,and come to a decision.
  • Shedding normally upto 50 to 100 hairs a day may be normal.
I have a collection of tips from many sources, which I edit, and make an article for my blog.

Saturday 9 February 2013


Uppudu pindi..is a south Indian dish,which is made with rice ravva/coarse rice.It is a common tiffin without onion and garlic recipe,made on the days of fasting.Usually everyone prefer to do this on gas stoves.But I prefer to do in microwave occassionally when I am  busy.Here are the timings which you can follow for 2 large coffee cups of rice ravva.
Rice ravva-2 cups
Ginger -finely chopped-2 tbsp
Green chilli chop-1 tbsp
Salt-as required
Curry leaves
Water-5 cups
Oil-3 tbsp
Urad daal-1 tsp
Channa daal-1 tsp
Mustard seeds-1/2tsp
Hing-a pinch
Place oil in a micro safe bowl and heat Micro high for 30 seconds.
Then remove and add the seasonings urad, chana dal,and mustard seeds and Micro high for 3 min.
Remove out,mix well,and add hing,ginger and green chilli chopped pieces and again Micro high for 1 and 1/2 minutes.
Now add water ,salt and curry leaves and again Micro high for 10 minutes.
Remove out and add coarse rice ravva,mix well and again Micro high for 4 to 5 minutes.
By this time the ravva will be cooked, now remove out ,and mix well.
Again lastly,Micro @60% for 3 to 4 minutes,after placing a micro safe lid on it.
Do not press and completely seal with the lid,just place it a bit opened.
Leave aside ,for 2 min.
Remove out ,and completely cover with a lid and let it stand for 15 minutes.
Serve hot with pickle/chutney.

Place a flat bottomed vessel on the stove and add oil to it.
After the oil is heated,add urad,chana dals,and mustard seeds .
After they splutter,add hing,greenchilli,and ginger chop,and curry leaves  and fry for 2 minutes.
Now add ,water and salt.
After the water starts boiling,add coarse rice ravva and mix well.
Let it cook covered ,for 5 to 6 minutes until the rice ravva is cooked on a low flame.
Swich off after it is cooked,and set aside for 15  minutes.
Serve hot with pickle or chutney.

Friday 8 February 2013



  • Sensitive facial....it  needs a gentle touch, and products having materials like, natural fruits and plant elements  and sea-derived extracts, which reduces the redness are to be used.
  • To exfoliate,light enzyme peels are to be used followed by a soothing serum and mask.
  • Sensitive facials end with moisturizer to reduce the redness and inflammation.
  • Sensitive skin facial treatments require a systemic approach by the beautician, so the client should consult her  ahead of time about concerns.
  • A follow-up skincare programme is also a healthy post-treatment  discussion topic.

Tuesday 5 February 2013



Cauliflower chop/pieces-250 gms or 2 large cups
Onion paste/finely chopped -1/2 cup
Tomato chop-1/2 cup
Oil-2 to 3 tbsp
Channa dal-1 and 1/2 tbsp
Urad dal-1 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder 1 to 1 and 1/2 tsp
Dhania powder-1 tsp
Masala powder-optional
Place oil in a micro safe bowl and Micro high for 30 seconds.
Now add the seasoning items urad,channa dal ,mustard seed and Micro high for 2 min.
Take off,and add chopped onion and again Micro high for 2 min.
Now stir well and add tomato chop too and Micro high for 4 mins..
Then add the cauliflower chop mix well and Micro high for 6 min covered with a micro safe lid.

Take off,mix well,and  add dhania ,chilli powders and more than half cup of water and Micro high for 6 minutes(covered ).
Stir 2 to 3 times in the middle for every 3 minutes.
Remove it outside,mix well  and add 2 tbsp water if needed,and masala powder 1/2 tsp,salt and mix well, and micro wave at 60% for 4 minutes.
Leave aside to settle .Serve hot.

Place a kadai on the stove and add oil.
When the oil is heated add the seasonings,and when they splutter mix well and add onion chop.
When the onion chop turns transculent add tomato pieces.
Cover the pan and let the tomato be cooked for a few min.
Mix well,and add the cauliflower chop and cook in low flame ,covered ,until the cauliflower is cooked.
Remove the lid and add dhania and chilli powders and more than 1/2 cup water and cook.
After it is cooked completely add masala powder and salt and water if necessary and cook in low temperature.
Serve hot with rotis /steamed rice.

Sunday 3 February 2013


Cabbage (chopped)250 gms-2 cups
Onion chop-1/2 cup
Tomato chop-1 cup
Oil- 2tbsp
Chilli powder-1tsp
Dhania jeera powder
Ginger garlic paste-1 tsp
Masala powder-1/2 tsp optional
Place oil in a microsafe bowl and microhigh for 30 seconds.
Add onion chop and gingergarlic paste and microhigh for 2 minutes.
Now add tomato  chop ,cover with microsafe lid,donot cover completely) and Micro high for  5 minutes.
Remove out,add cabbage chop ,stir well and  again Micro high for another 8 minutes,covered with the lid.
Stir in the middle.
If you want gravy,add 1/4 th cup of water ,in the curry to be a bit loose .
Now add ,dhaniya,jeera chilli powders and micro high for 8 minutes.
Take the curry out,and stir fry in between for every 2 minutes.

 Place a pan on the stove and add oil to it.Now add onions and ginger garlic paste and fry.
Next add chopped tomatoes and cook,till 10 minutes till it is half cooked.
Now add chopped cabbage,and stir well.
Cook until it is cooked for 10 min.
Lastly add dhania powder,chilli powder and salt and cook until it is fully cooked.
To make the curry soft and gravy type,add 1/4 cup of water and cook placing a lid /with a lid half covered.
Garnish and serve with steamed rice/rotis.

Friday 1 February 2013


In the rececent modern days I  guess how fabulous it will be for a lady  to go to the beauty parlours and have spa treatment, especially the skin being dehydrated and going dry in the cool months of winter, and oily skin becomming oily and a jamm of the dust and pollutants..We go to beautyparlours and pamper ourselves with facials but we donot know atleast minimum knowledge about our skin..

  • KNOWLEDGE OF SKIN TEXTURE..Know about your skin from your beautician.For improvement in the complexion of the skin,make sure and have good knowledge of the  facial which suits you the best.
  • DRY SKIN..it lacks natural oils and dehydrates  become very dry in the winter months.
  • The dry skin should be treated in a tricky way,and as it is deprived of natural oils in the body, by heavy pampering with moisturisers in these days..
  • Go for fantastic facials,which has masks where the moisturizers/serums enter the skin,thereby giving a balance of oilyness and petal like tenderness to the skin,thereby leaving the skin looking gorgeous.
  • OILY SKIN...it produces more oil/acne prone, thereby making the skin collecting all the dust from the pollution and  making the skin harden and also causing blackheads.
  • Here the facials of oily skin makes the skin free from oils/acne and the pollutants congestion  on the skin.
  • In a beauty parlour facials are done according to the texture of their skin.
  • COMBINATION SKIN...being a combo of both dry and oily skins,a combination skin has to be treated seperately with proffessional care..the T zone which is a congested junction of  oil and pollutants,should be cleaned and making the skin soothing.
  • SENSITIVE SKIN.. can be caused by  factors like environmental damage, or by natural disposition etc. 
  • Facials for sensitive skin has to be treated by gentle procedures and non allergic products that are appropriate for the skin which is sensitive and prone to irritations.. 
  • Those with skin sensitivities should not fear the calming effects of gentle facials. 
  • Facials for sensitive skin can improve complexion, reduce inflammation and boost your skin’s immunity which will help prevent future irritations.
  • WRINKLED SKIN... being a  dull and has wrinkles and fine lines ,needs more specialized skin care products to take care and stimulate the collagen production, should be moisturized and nourished-- treat with utmost care the skin which is prone to acne, dry and dehydrated or a combination of skin.
  •  Mature skin also slows down (cell production, circulation), so there are many issues to deal with..
  • Your beautician will first treat your skin type  whether it is an oily one, dry, combination, or normal one.
  •  These treatments  are said to increase circulation and saturate the skin with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals for healthier, younger looking skin.