WELCOME...for VEGETARIAN COOKING,FENGSHUI SYMBOLS, TARROT READINGS,and BEAUTY TIPS/TREATMENTS for LADIES,and much more ...@ SHRI SOUNDHARYAAS BEAUTYWORLD BOUTIQUE.. Fengshui..is an ancient science and chinese art of space arrangement and assigning the objects inan human environment so as it wont disturb the natural energy flow. People in spite of language ,caste and creed use a large number of symbols in their homes which enhance goodluck,health,wealth ,success,children,marital problems and good relations etc which are implemented and has made life quite effective..It is the art of symbolizing displaying pictures and articles which are considered as conveyors of the hidden meanings by displaying according to the needs..which you enjoy them only after using the positive purpose fengshui symbols in the homes/offices and yield good results. Moreover the usage of symbols have an impact on peoples subconscious mind hence is simply implied/ applied for betterment of living. All the remedies/cures in the form of symbols,are energised and programmed to the specific purpose,and suggested according to their problems.. Tarrot reading..not only predicts you but also can give you the answers to all of your problems.It communicates fortune telling through its differant spreads and tells through its differant visual images on their cards. Beauty..is a beautiful word,which reminds us Miss world,Miss Universe etc.Following the tips related to beauty,health and home,and reading the beauty topics makes us enhance ourselves to stay in touch and keep fit,with the present beauty world. Cooking..The necessity to every being to learn cook and eat varieties of recipes/dishes inorder to live is a Must.Cooking vegetarian delicacies is my hobby,here i have given all of my cooked recipes which I experimented and cook in my kitchen..Please have a look and if you like it just place a comment which energise me,making me enthusiastic to cook more...Thanq Friends. Symbols+Place location+Hardwork+Belief=100% Success....

Thursday 27 December 2012



Healthy vegetable and fruit juices keeps us healthy and fit.When we include liquid diets in the menu,it keeps us light.We can combine 2 to 3 varieties of fruits /vegetables to get full nourishment.Do not add additional sugar. 

Combinations of Juices..

  • Carrot & Ginger & Apple...cleanses our system.
  • Apple  & cucumber & celery...Prevent cancer,reduce cholesterol,and improve stomach upset and headache.
  • Tomato & carrot & Apple...Gets glowing skin complexion and restricts bad breath.
  • Bitter gourd & Apple & Milk...Avoids bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
  • Orange & Ginger & celery ..improves in skin texture and moisture and reduces body heat.
  • Pineapple & Apple & watermelon...To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
  • Apple & Cucumber & kiwi...Improves skin complexion.
  • Pear & Banana...controls sugar content.
  • Carrot & Apple & Pear & Mango...Clears body heat,eliminates toxins from the body,decrease blood pressure and oxidization.
Have various combinations of both vegetables and fruits juices,to eliminate toxins and do get good health..Please mind it...to wash them thoroughly,as they may have pesticides and dust on them, before making them into juice..

Monday 24 December 2012




Doctors recommend to eat vegetables,fruits but only few people who are health conscious show the interest of eating them in raw form.
  • Vegetables though helps us a lot, but many nutrients will be lost by cooking and sometimes over cooking them.So then,fruit juices and vegetable juices are recommended.
  • Carrot juice is the one which is best,and which contains of Vit-A.
  • Regarding fruits 60% of fruits are easily made into fruitjuices,by grinding directly.
  • Diabetics should not drink fruit juices.
  • Daily by drinking 1 to 2 cups of fruit or veg juice,there will be no nutritional defficiency in the persons body.
  • Vegetables juice can be made by grinding 4 to 5 varieties of vegetables.Even a handful of corriander and curry leaves or fresh green leafy vegetables are added as per choice.
  • Vegetables like carrots,cabbage,tomatoes,ridge gourd,beet roots etc. can be used. 
  • Even 1 tsp of lime juice can be added to the veg juice which enhances vit-C.
  • Beetroots should be  (in smaller amounts)as beetroots juice smells a bit.
  • When i prepare beetroot salad / juice i add a pinch of elaichi/cardamon powder.
  • Have a glass of veg /fruit juice daily for a good health..

Saturday 22 December 2012



 Hair cutting..A persons hairstyle can take away or add years to her face, and can do a lot for the look.
  • STEP CUTTING:A woman looks glamourous and gorgeous, if she opts for long hair, cut in stepsand layers,the hair looks thick and well styled.The volume of the hair looks increased..
  • BLUNT LOOK:A woman looks younger, and nothing works as well as a simple blunt cut.
  • CURLS:Curls make a woman look younger, while ironed hair makes you look older and a little sharper.
  •  SOFT & STRAIGHT:A soft, straight look, is the easiest hair cut,curled in at the bottom makes you look younger, while curled out makes you look older and more glamourous.
  • U HAIR CUT:The hair is cut in the shape of U,one can pin up or tie a pony tail and looks like elegant.It suits every one,even thick and thin and curly haired women can go for it..Best suitable for any dresses like sarees,chudidhars,pants etc.
  • V HAIR CUT:This is a simple haircut which looks trendy and makes the hair look long.
  • Similarly, hair cut very short, can make a woman looks ultra glamorous, funky and cutting edge.
  • Likewise, a woman with hair that reaches till the  waist makes her look younger, since it is easier for a young person to grow hair very long.
Go for and have a hair cut often for a neat and sweet and glamorous look.

Thursday 20 December 2012



Flowers are the number one we remember when it comes to the question of home  decoration..Here are some tips to make them stay fresh for many days before placing them in vase..

  • The scissors or the knife which we use for cutting flowers should be washed and kept clean.
  • Cut the stems in a slanting position.
  • Change the water daily.
  • Also daily trim/cut the stems half an inch shortly.
  • Add 2 table spoons of lime juice and a tablespoon of sugar to the water in the vase..
  • The lime juice being acidic makes the flowers receive water,and the sugar makes them remain fresh..
By following some tips we can make the flowers in the vase remain fresh and beautiful..

Tuesday 18 December 2012


For a Glowing Face

Having a glowing face is a plus point to a womans beauty..but when you dont have it naturally, we can try to get it glowing  with a few tips..
  • For dry skin:Make a paste of 2 table spoons of Malai(cream of the milk), 1½ table spoons of Maidha(flour) and a few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 10 minutes, then wash.
  • For oily skin..make a paste of malai/milk with besan gram flour..
  • Be positive,leave aside negative thoughts..if you can spend a few minutes in meditating.
  • Have proper sleep of 7 to 8 hours.
  • Be peaceful,try not to worry on something.
  • Drink plenty of water.. 
You can be glowing naturally  when you follow these small tips..

Saturday 15 December 2012



Examinations are a terror which cause lots of tension to both students and their mothers. Students in their tension skip off the morning breakfast which is a MUST.
  • The breakfast in the morning is an important one,which calms down the brain, and makes it work better,helps to remember everything in exam.
  • Therefore the examinations will be attended successfully.
  • Here are some tips to follow, to be healthy ,beautiful as usual without stress and tension,and mentally fit to avoid  problems  in the time of exams.
  • The breakfast should be nutritous with proteins and carbs.
  • A glass of Milk,or Badam milk.
  • Chhappathis
  • Butter,bread and jam
  • Boiled eggs
  • Fruits
  • Fruit juices
  • Mothers should take care that their children will have them,before exams to cope up the exams successfully.
  • Do not go for junk foods or fries.
  • Take plenty of water and fruit juices.
  • And also there are some ayurvedic medicines available in India,which relate to increase of brain power.
  • Can use it under a ayurvedic doctors prescription.
  • Usage of Brahmi is one of such example.
  • And do breathing exercises like Pranayama for 5 mins to calm down the anxiety.
  • Brain is a WORK SHOP, citrus fruits helps the brain to work better.
  • It improves the mental ability and increase the sharpness of the brain.
  • Lime, orange,sweet lime are some of the citrus fruits which have ample amount of Vit-C.
  • To improve brains sharpness foods that supply amino acids and vitamins especially Vitamin-B complex should be taken.
Improve the Brain Sharpness:
  • In general,not only for exams but in every day to day schedule a person should be alert.
  • Exercises that improve the sharpness of the brain are by solving puzzles that appear in newspapers and magazines,learning arts and crafts,playing games,and also video games.
  • The steps to follow compulsorily are :
  •  Pay attention to what you are reading.
  •  Practice, do practice,no.of times.
  • By cultivating healthy habbits and eating good food we can cope up to remain the brain a  healthy one..

Friday 14 December 2012



When we go to a Party,had a nice feast and  when the stomach is heavy then try these tips.
  • Mix a pinch of eating Soda,to a glass of water, have it.Immediately within minutes of time there will be relief.
  • Mix a pinch of Salt in Lime juice and drink it.
  • Mix  a pinch of Saunf,cumin seeds(jeera),Salt in a glass of water n drink it.
  • Eat Saunf available in the market,half an hour before the meals.The digestion will be easy.
  • These symptoms appear to the people who eat food fastly without proper munching as the air goes in to the stomach and bloats.When we eat slowly such problem wont arise.
  • The carbohydrated foods, cool drinks, and chewing gums also increase this trouble.
  • So,the people suffering from digestive problems  can reduce them or stop them.
  • People think eating nuts will increase cholesterol and fat in the body. But eating handful of nuts everyday is very beneficiary.
  • They will lower LDL – (bad) cholesterol. It will reduce risk of heart disease.
  • Nuts tend to be filling, which can actually help with weight control. The fat, protein and fiber in nuts help you fee full longer, so you may eat less during the day.
  •  Experts found that including nuts in the diet does not appear to cause weight gain as long as total calories are controlled.
  • Walnuts are unique as one of the most nutrient-dense whole food sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Numerous studies have concluded that omega-3s help reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and clinical depression.
  • Pecans in particular have an extra health benefit. They contain more antioxidants than any other nuts.
  • A one-ounce serving of almonds provides 35% of your daily value for vitamin E . Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from everyday damage.
How to include them in your diet:
  •  You can include nuts  in your breakfast so that you will not miss out.
  •  You can also put in your cereals.
  •  You can include them in your juices or smoothies.
  •  You can take them as a snack in the evening.
  •  Just take out when you are going for a walk or pass time when watching tv.
Anything much is not good. But if you take in right amount it is very healthy.

Thursday 13 December 2012



  • To improve a dry skin,mix a few drops of lime and olive oil.
  • To lighten the complexion ,take equal quantities of lime,kheera and carrot juice.Apply and keep for 15 min on the face and wash.
  • To get a sparkle on your teeth,scrub them once a week with lime juice mixed with salt.
  • For suntan,apply lime juice and rose water on the face and wash after one hour,with cool water.
  • Plenty of lime juice should be taken each day because it helps in the quicker healing of wounds,helps maintain teeth,hair ,nails,and complexion in good condition and guards us against catching colds.

Tuesday 11 December 2012



To look beautiful and gorgeous like Aishwarya Bachhan,and specially one among a group,is a desire of every young lady.
  • Not only expensive silk sarees -dresses and jewels,make them special ,but a proper makeover  with perfect makeup will also survive the purpose.
  • Likewise a few beauty tips are accumulated and given here.
  • Before makeup wash your face and neckwith cold water,and if it is rainy water its well and good.
  • Use a good soap.
  • Use a concealer which is nearer to your skin colour.
  • Use water proof " penstick".
  • Use pleasantly  light fragrant  powder and scent.
  • Your pleasant  fragrant clothes will make you feel cool and garden fresh amongst all.
  • Apply foundations and creams in a less quantity.
  • Dip eye liner brush ,and let it dry for 3 seconds ,then apply on the lashes,to avoid spreading.
  • Apply a special moisturising pomade stick on your lips before applying lipstick.
  • See that there is a matching  between eyeshade,lipstick and clothes,and also accessories.
  • Use hair spray to set the hairstyle,coz it protects the hairstyle from being disturbed.
  •  Use hair pins wherever it is necessary.
  • Use plenty of flowers,they exaggerate the beauty.
  • Pin up carefully saree ,with lahenga and chunni while wearing sarees.
  • And see that you perfectly match the whole dress along with accessories is a must.
  • See that you carry tissue paper ,along with powder,puff and lipstick in your hand bag.

Monday 10 December 2012


The bedroom is the place where a person will  relax, sleep  and  rest,there by refreshing themselves and get ready for nextdays work.Make it pleasant by following some tips of fengshui..
 •The bed should not be placed exactly opposite to the door,and the bed should not be placed  beneath the opening window,or should not be placed in a corner of the room.And electronics related articles should not be kept in the bedrooms .
 •According to fengshui sleeping beneath  the window  causes the feeling of  insecurity.So change the bed position.If a window is placed quite opposite  to the bed or the bed is beneath the window,and when there is nosource to change the bed then,place venishing blends .
 •If the bed is quite opposite to the door,   then place a partition or cover the door or window  with a curtain.  The last option is the best one.
 •The matresses on the bed should be one and large.But when  there are 2 single matresses ,then no problem cover the 2 matresses with a single large bedsheet.Pink colour bedsheets are advised in the bedrooms.Or else use pink shades more in the bedroom.
 •The room should be neat and clean,dont throw old magazines and newspapers under the beds.And donot store empty powder tins,old clothes ,unused pillows ,bedsheets and ruggs.
 •The beds should be made with wood.But when  there are beds made with  iron,then donot bring electronic goods in to the bedroom.But when  there are electronic goods in bed rooms place them far from iron beds.
 •The electronic goods in bedrooms which release electro magnetic waves causes negative feelings.
 •Beds should be kept a little space away from walls .Never sleep placing  the head towards north.
 •The southwest room which is called nairuthimula is to be used by the owners of the house as bedroom.Use curtains colours which are nearer to shades of earth.Use natural and clear crystals if you find them in a fengshui stores.The whole family members will be happy by using them.
 •Use a chandeliar or crystal sphere coz it activates the good energy in the home which results good relations between the members in the home.
 •Place a couple of Mandrick ducks photo or toys in bedrooms southwest corner.Never keep a single ducks photo .
 •Donot place big photoes or pictures or idols of  god  in the bedroom ,place a very  very small picture of god, in the direction of east or north or north east wall,to see it first as one awakes in the morning.
 •Do not decorate the bedrooms with indoor plants,coz fengshui wont allow this.
  •Donot place pictures related to battles,wars warriors and destructions in the home.

Likewise by following simple remedies of fengshui,a lot of troubles can be avoided.
•Place a big smiling photo of the couple in the south west corner of the bedroom.
 •Use dimn lights in the southwest corner of the home.



Sunday 9 December 2012


Here are a few beauty tips to be followed by ladies..
  • To improve the eye lashes apply pure castor oil to the eye lashes,1 to 2 drops at bed time.
  • Massage wrinkled elbows every day at bedtime with a good moisturizer or baby oil to make it soft,smooth .
  • Apply face and neck every night at bedtime with a good moisturizer  or baby oil to make it soft,smooth and glowing.
  • If the skin around the  (legs)heels become hard and cracked ,scrub your heels with a pumice stone using soap and water.
  • Lastly wash and massage nicely with a vaseline.
  • To improve dry complexion, take a teaspoon of badam oil and mix with a half spoon of milk cream and lime juice.
  • Apply every night before bed on face and neck.
  • To get cure from rough dry skin around the knees,elbows and heels,massage them regularly with castor oil.
  • In the winter or cool weather take oil bath to prevent your body from becoming dry.
  • Put 1 tbsp of olive oil in your bath water along with a few drops of your favourite cologne.
  •  The skin will turn soft after the bath.
Likewise take care of your skin and body to retain young look..

Saturday 8 December 2012


Beauty  can be maintained by going to beauty parlours regularly ,and taking beauty treatments in a proper way..Nothing substitutes the beauty treatments in parlours,but beauty maintainance, can also be given some home remedial measures in the meanwhile in between the gap of the visits to parlour treatments.

Here are some of them..
Grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this milk over your lips and face. It adds grace and glow to your skin.A few simple home remedies to follow for a beautiful skin..

Cleansing the skin :
 Dip a piece of cotton wool in un boiled milk and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down to pores.

Skin Moisturizer:
For normal skin mix 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice in a cup of yogurt, to make a paste. Apply it on face as a mask and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue. This mask enhances the complexion and glow of face.

Nourishing the skin:
Nourishing the skin A protein mask help to nourish your skin. Soak a teaspoon of urad dal and 5-6 almonds overnight. Grind this to a fine paste apply this protein mask on face and wash it off after half an hour. This mask nourishes the facial skin and also enhances the complexion.
Treatment for Pimple, acne, moles, dark circles:-
Balance your doshas by adopting the modified   diet and life styles. Take rejuvenating herbal drinks .

Apply a face pack containing- Masoora, kushta, kaaliyaka etc

Following this procedure for seven days makes your face pimple ,acne and dark circles free.

Preventing wrinkles : Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process also

Home made conditioner:  mix one table spoon of honey and 2 table spoon of cream. Apply this mixture on face and wash it off after few minutes. It works wonders. Removing Skin pigmentation and marks:

Rubbing a raw potato on face removes marks and pigments.

 Sun-screen Lotion:

Prepare a homogenous mixture of cucumber juice , glycerine and rose water .Apply this mixture on face. This mixture can be refrigerated.

Friday 7 December 2012



DRAGON TRIO,lifting a crystal ball is more auspicious symbol..signifiin respectable position and power.es for power,and dignity in the business.It protects its owner and helps him and gets name and fame,ideal for anyone who is  in business or service ,gives power and strength in its way..


The violet crystal is a good symbol which encounters black magic, controls the man to have control on himself,and removes fear and disputes..in the family members of a home. 



WHITE CRYSTAL TREE...The white crystal tree, it is considered as a stone which  stimulates the meditation,clears the space,it balances and grounds the energy levels..thereby promotes the memory power,focus,and concentration..itactivates the  total energy ..can be placed in the living room.. 



FROGS TRIO..Money frogs trio lifting a crystal ball,is one of the auspicious symbols in fengshui..
It is a prosperous symbol which brings prosperity to its owner.
The money frogs brings good relation ships in the among the family members in the home.
And it also helps careerwise by bringing harmonious relationships among colleagues,partners and clients.
In business it brings profits,and stabilizes the existing business and brings/develops the business..
Place in the north or east directions of your living room and office..
An auspicious symbol to develop the business..



Goddess Trio..,is a most auspicious fengshui symbol.The Holy Trinity,Quan Yin for mental peace, and the Mercy Goddess,and Compassion and Wisdom Goddess,totally 3 goddesses available in sitting position..is to be placed in northwest or north of the living room in the home/office..

Thursday 6 December 2012



THE DRAGON AND PHOENIX....Its a powerful symbol in fengshui.The dragon and phoenix together,in a home symbolozes a successful marriage and prosperity.It creates a strong bond between husband and wife.Thelovers/ people who have late marriages,need to use this symbol.The dragon being yang,brings riches and prosperity,and phoenix represents female beauty.It can be placed in the north-west or south-west area.It can be also be placed in the east brings health in the home and when placed in south it brings opportunities.It is a best symbol for prosperity,and can be placed according to your choice..




SINGING BOWL..The singing sound vibrations improves the harmony and cleanses the energies in a home.Strike the singing bowl at the rim and rub,an unusual humming sound is heard.Next start rubbing at the rim in the clockwise direction,by which a singing sound is produced from the bowl.. The bowl is made from an alloy of seven metals, and the correct combination of the metals used in making the bowl vary from others,by having its own shape and sound.
It is said that the sounds produced by striking can directly affect minds and feelings giving a soothing effect, there by
effectively clearing the space..it is a good investment by which everyone in the home will cherish with frequent usage of the singing bowl the atmosphere will get purified.


LUCKY BAMBOO PLANT..is a plant which brings luck,and strength to the owner of the plant in fengshui.
  • It symbolizes good luck,which brings prosperity and fortune for the family of the house/business where it is grown..
  • It brings happiness,wealth,good luck,health and it is totally all purpose benefit to the home/office.
  • The care to be taken to grow this plant is very easy.
  • All that you have to do is adding a few ounces of fresh water every week.
  • Place it in north or east of the home.
  • It needs low light,and never place it in bedrooms.



RHINOCEROS..is an protective symbol to be considered in fengshui..it is against enemity among co workers,theft robbery,politics and also competition..Place it facing the main door of your office/home,so that it scans and fights against the evil energies,there by safe guarding its owner..It is firm and masculine and fierce enough to face and encounter the evil energies

Monday 3 December 2012



DOUBLE HAPPINESS...The double happiness symbol in red colour is considered as a love symbol as ,the colour red enhance love and romance in a human life.The symbol signifies love and is placed on the south west wall/or an almirah  of the bedroom.It enhances the relations between a couple..



Now a days every body is health conscious,and majority of the people reduced the intake of the sugar.But  for some people/who are lovers of sweets, it is impossible for them to stop eating sugar/sweets. So..here are some bitter facts to know for sugar lovers.
  • By eating sweets along with meals,the digestive power will be lightly reduced.
  • As it becomes heavy,a person cannot consume the food which he takes daily.
  • Teeth decay is caused by sweets only.
  • When we eat sugar the Adrenalin level raises from 2 to 10 times,which is not good for health.
  • When we eat sweets,everytime we eat the bodies requirement mineral chromium is washed out in the form of urine.
  • In a persons digestive system this mineral plays an important role.
  • Once we are addicted to sugar(sweets),this addiction is more difficult to get rid off,than liquor addiction.
  • If one cannot reduce sugar,take sugar only weekly once.Atleast reduce the quantity of sugar intake per day.
  • Last but not the least,everytime while eating sweets,wash mouth thoroughly or brush it clean.
  • In this way,how far we move from sugar,the longetivity of life will prolong.
  • Diabetics compulsorily should take medicines,as prescribed by the doctor.
  • But they should be careful not only with food ,but also the timings of the food.
  • Diabetics,should compulsorily have a breakfast.
  • Some people instead of having breakfast,skip it,and have full meals 2 times a day.
  • There will be many side effects by taking large quantities of food at a time.
  • Diabetics should have their food many times ,in small quantites,in 3 to 4 hrs intervels of time.(calories should be in limited quantities,as prescribed by a dietician).
  • Include daal with leafy vegetables,especially daal made with methi(menthi kura).
  • Include curries which are boiled and requires less oil for seasoning.
  • So that a person can have more curry and less rice.
  • Daily make it a habbit to walk.
  • Atleast half an hour in the morn,and another half an hour in the eve.
  • Slowly increase the span of walking time if you can do it.
  • We can do yoga,also.We can see them in TV, in the morn.
  • Always by continuing the medication,and doctore tests at periodical intervels,controlling food,by eating more  times in small small quantities,instead of 2 large meals,and by walking, yoga a person can easily cope up with diabeties.
By staying healthy and fit,a person can lead a happy healthy and beautiful life.



Negligency in drinking water is not advisable:
  • Donot neglect drinking sufficient water,as many health problems arise due to the less drinking of water.
  • The means of transport in the body which carries the nutrients from one part to another part,is water.
  • Without water the cells growth in the body stops.
  • To maintain the body temperature to normal,water is essential.
  • The toxins and waste from the body is thrown out through the excretory organs,by the water only.
  • Totally the whole body of a person,consists of 70% of water.
  • The bacteria and virus which causes digestive disorders in a body,are entered by drinking of polluted water only.
  • Filtered or boiled water, or mineral water should be taken.
  • Daily atleast 8 glasses of water are essential for a body.
  • A minimum of 8 glasses are a must.
  • Everybody knows that it is a must to drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily.
  • But some people doesnt know what happens if sufficient water is not taken per day.
  • Some people dont care to drink sufficient amount of water.
  • Daily by drinking atleast 8 glasses of water,the moisture in the skin will be retained,the skin will be soft.
  • Or else the skin loses moisture becoming dry,and the shining of the skin disappears.
  • The skin will get wrinkles,giving an agy look.
  • In order to make the kidneys function normally minimum 8 glasses of water are necessary.
  • The water we drink makes the digestive system to work accurately,by throwing the toxins out.
  • If sufficient water is not taken all the toxins in the body will be remained which is the rootcause to start health disorders.
  • The symptoms of the people who doesnt drink sufficient waterare,they look,dull,tired,and frequent sufferings from headaches,stress,anxiety and irritability.
  • Atleast take 4 glasses after waking up in the morning,and in the eve time to dinner time another 4 glasses.

Sunday 2 December 2012


  • To remove scars and blemishes in the face, the ordinary face creams available in the market are of no use.
  • A mixture of Miltani Mitti and Aloo ,makes it possible.2 spoons of Miltani Mitti and 2  spoons of Aloo juice ,if mixed thoroughly and applied as a FACE MASK, retain for more than half an hour .
  • Then wash it with cool water, and see the change. Every 2 days the process should be repeated atleast for a month.
  • A mixture of Sandal wood paste ,and Milk both mixed and can be applied to the face..also Turmeric can be mixed with this paste and applied.
  • To close the pores and make the facial skin soft ,mix 3 spoons Tomato juice with 10 drops of Lime juice,apply to the face and keep it for 15 minutes  and wash it.
  • Cucumber juice or Khira juice  3 spoons mixed with a pinch of Turmeric powder along with Lime juice,and apply to the face.See the change.


Generally everybody is interested to loose over weight and remain slim and healthy,there by doing all sorts of exercises and diets etc.but there are some limitations to loose over weight in a healthy way.

Set yourself to loose only half to 1 kg per week. More than that is not advisable.
Have plenty of sleep.Sleep is a must,for burning calories and fat.
By failing to have atleast 7 hrs of sleep will reduce the body’s ability to burn fat,and slow down weight loss process.

Daily maintain a record of intaking the food.It motivates you to maintain, proper amount of vitamins and minerals in your food,and to know from where the extra calories are comming from.

It helps a proper energy balance,of consuming of calories and the amount of calories that are spent.

Try to adapt the plan daily according to your life style and taste.


Being cautious about eating fats and carbs is a big task ,and to reduce already formed cholestrol and fat in the body is a big headache.Atleast we can try burning fats with the help of some remedies.
  • If you like eating eggs,and if u are a regular eater of eggs.Try to eat only egg white, and try to reduce the yellow of an egg. Its best if the eating of yellow is omitted.
  • Every one loves eating sweets.But atleast if we can reduce to some extent,its a good thing.
  • If a person is habituated to drink milk then only skimmed milk fat less should be drunk.And we can use water diluted milk,instead of whole milk.And instead of curds if butter milk is used ,its a great trial of weight reduction.
  • If a person uses 1 kg of oil per month,then we can try by using only half a kilo.
  • If in such ways ,and we can try many other ways with the help of a nutritionist then the cholestrol levels and fat levels decrease in our body.

  • We can control obesity, and we can avoid knee pains and joint pains.
  • We can also control diabeties.
  • With such remedies the life span can be extended. 


Food plays an important role in a human beings life..not only by using cosmetics like  powders and facial creams a person can maintain his beauty.But the food also plays an important role in developing beautiful skin.

  • Fresh leafy vegetables,raw vegetables and fruits  intake will satisfy the requirement  of vitamins in the body,there by removing the vitamin defficiency.
  • Therefore nutritional food is important for a person.
  • For the sake of the health if a person drinks only milk in more quantities,then the cholestrol problem arises and she turns obese.
  • The vit A in the milk helps the skin not to get wrinkles.So milk should be drunk in recommended quantities only.
  • The foods such as daals pulses,vegetables and bananas contain vit-Bcomplex,these foods helps the skin not to loose the sensitivity.
  • These foods such as sweet lime,mango,tomatoes and leafy vegetables protects the underlayers of the skin,to be healthy and look beautiful.
  • The purification in the blood also plays an  imp role in the skin beauty,so  thinking that only face creams improve the beauty is a myth.
  • Every time while washing the face donot use soap,coz the skin may become dry,wasing only with water ,and cool water bath improves the beauty of the skin,by relaxing it.


The Tarot is a deck of cards commonly used in  divination.

  • A set of cards with pictures and symbols that are used for divination by connecting the reader to the subconscious mind there by getting a perfect answer.
  • Tarot readings can provide information about what is known and what is unknown.
  • It is used to connect the diviner with the collective unconscious.
  •  The cards can be used to determine the past, present and future of an event or a person and can become powerful tools in magical workings and rituals.
  • Tarot a wonderful tool for self-development,and it  is like a mirror as it picks up what lies in our subconscious minds and lays it out in front of us.
  • Tarot doesn't just predict the future,rather offers suggestions and possible outcomes and makes you aware of your choices and the patterns of outcomes.
  •  The Tarot offers guidance  where it helps you to change your future, affixing your goal.
  • As our choices determine the nearby future,it  is unsure and we have the ability to change whatever aspects of our lives we choose to as it depends on our free will. 
  •  If you don’t like outcome of a reading, you can change it by taking necessary steps to do things differently. 
  •  But if you like the outcome you can accomplish that by doing what needs to be done.
  • It draws our attention to what is going on in our subconscious mind. 
  •  It opens up information about things we may know are happening but may not realize our own influence on the outcome..
  • Tarot is currently also used as tool for self reflection on one's personal life and counselling, as well as an aid to meditation..it offers us another perspective.
  • Tarot cards can help us to know ourselves better and to see the deeper purpose in our lives.
  • A Tarot Reading helps us to see things from a broader and higher perspective.
  • With a complete Tarot Reading, we can even find patterns which are creating problems in our life and we often find solutions through a good tarot reading .
  • Tarot cards can help us to know ourselves better and to see the deeper purpose in our lives.
  •  A Tarot Reading helps us to see things from a broader and higher perspective.
  • By having  a complete Tarot Reading, we can even find patterns which are creating problems in our life and we often find solutions through a good tarot reading..there by getting the  results which we want..
  • Tarot deck consists of  78 cards, broken into two arcana – the major and the minor, each featuring different symbolic pictures.
  • The major arcana consists of 22 cards and the minor arcana is more like a traditional deck of playing cards  with four suits ,and four suits of 14 cards each.


Beauty a sweet word can be maintained well with 6 formulas..
  • Health:The most essential word for beauty maintanance is the health.When health is upset then there is no use though  how much makeup you use. Health awareness is the foundation stone for beauty.
  • Maintanance of oral health is the 2nd formula.Personal hygiene ,oral cleanliness plays an important role.Walking and small exercises are good for health.
  • Intake of food ,a well balanced diet ,containing nutritional values in limited quantities  is an important formula .Beauty foods which regulates inner cleanliness like  Vegetables and fruits,buttermilk,will moisturize the skin thus giving soft and shiny texture .
  • Have regular medical checkups to avoid unhealthy ness.
  • Donot over exaust by work,limited work with regular intervels of rest is a formula.Leave aside fobias and tensions.
  • Relax yourself with music ,comedy shows.Peace of mind, makes a persons face beautiful shining and attractive.
  • These 6 formulas are important for a human to maintain beauty,and looking beautiful



Oils play a vital part to enhance the good looks of the body.
* To prevent SUNTAN, mix Olive oil 1 spoon with Lime juice in 1:1 ratio,apply before bath.
*For a Dry skin,soak cotton wool in warm Olive oil and apply to the face.Let it remain for more than 1 hour,and then wipe off the face with a soft cloth.Don't wash,  let it remain for a whole night .Then next day morn wash with like warm water.
*Daily before bath apply a few drops of Olive oil lightly to the body,then have bath.
*Or else daily add a few drops of Olive oil to  the water you bathe,this also helps a lot.
*In cold weather  prevent the skin from cold  by mixing a spoon of either olive oil or castor oil with half
spoon of rose water or even ordinary water.Apply to the face in the night and remove next morning..
*Prepare Anti Wrinkle Cream by mixing a teaspoonful of Olive oil and an Egg.Apply to the neck and the face with it and let it remain till the Skin gets dry.Then wash with luke warm water.


Good Health..is a word which every one craves for...doing exercises,going to gyms,.drinking fruit juices and eating salaads etc.Here are some tips to be followed.
•vitamin -C defficiency is stopped if we take minimum 3 to 4 varieties of fruits,raw vegetables in the form of salads daily,see that atleast one variety of citrus fruit is included in them.
 •Aloo if it is cooked without peeling the skin it gives you more Vit-C.
 •Orange,Lemon,Grapes,Strawberry,Guavas,Water melon,Papaya,Cauliflower,consists of large amounts of Vit-C.
 •While cooking vegetables,use less amount of water to boil them.Use pressure cooker to boil n cook vegetables.It prevents the loss of vitamins and minerals.
 •The persons who are under 55 years of age,should take 80mgs Vit-C,and pregnant ladies should take atleast 120 mgs.of Vit- C,daily.
 •Our skin sensitive,if it should not loose its sensitivity,elasticity,Vit-C is essential .If Vit-Cis defficient in your body then you will transform yourself into eighty in your forties.
 •The Vitamin -C defficiency is caused in people who doesnt take fruits like,Oranges,Lime,Guava,Mango,Papaya,Grapes,and vegetables.Joint pains,Swellings in joints,Anemia,Bleeding nose,Decrease in immunity,quite often facing health problems,
ulcers on body, Bone fractures,these are the symptoms of Vit-Cdefficiency.
 •Sports men-if they take Vitamin C ,Vitamin-E,it eradicates the tissue damage in the body.
 •Ladies who are suffering Cervical Dysplacia,if Vitamin c supplements are taken under doctors prescription,the problem will disappear.
 •The health problems like Cataracts in the eyes, occuring in the old age will not occur in the people who takeVit-C and Vit-E supplements.
 •Vit-C which dissolves in water,is absorbed by the body very quickly..If any one smoke atleast once,or have a peg,or feels stress atleast for 15 mins,the vit-c will disappear in the body.
 •Vit-C in the bodywill help to postpone the death.The doctors agree with this.

 •As we all know a day an apple keeps the doctor away.We can include banana also,a day a banana is very helpful for maintaining a good health.
 •Daily eat an Orange,donot worry of B.P.By taking health medications as prescribed by the doctor,if an orange is taken daily,it helps you to overcome the blood pressure problems.
 •Weekly atleast 3 to 4 days,includeCabbage,Cauliflower,in the form of salads or chutneys.
 •Betacarotene fights with cancer,it eradicates the free flow of radicals and acts as antoxidant.fresh fruits and fresh vegetables contain Betacarotene.Even Leafy Vegetables contain ample amount of Beta carotene.
 •Vit-A, if taken daily eye related health problems are decreased.Its recommended by doctors.



•The habbit of Smoking, Drinking, High Cholestrol..., if any of these habbits are there surelyHealth problems arise in a person.So under the  supervision and prescription  of a Doctor, if Vitamin -E is taken regularly, the damage which occur by these habbits will be minimized.
 •After the age of 40 years,if Vit-E supplements are taken regularly, the eye related health problems will be minimized upto 70%.
 •The Free Radicals in the body which cause obstructions in the free Blood flow andleads to health disorders,will be minimized and decreased by Vit-E.



*A good Beauty Mask can be made by mixing a table spoon of Bengal gram flour(sanaga pindi) with half spoon of Orange Peel Powder and one Table spoon of Curds and one tsp of Olive oil.Mix well and apply to the face.Let it remain  till it gets a  bit  dry.Then rub your face with your hands in Upward directions(Nalugu pettinatlu) till it glows.Lastly wash the face with luke warm water,and lastly with cool water.

*For a Perfect flawless skin ,steam it first after washing the face.And cleanse it with a cleanser,wipe it Dry
with a soft Tissue.Then apply a tsp of Olive oil mixed with 1/4 spoon of Lime juice.Let it remain for 20 mins
and Wash with Cool water.

* To improve from a dark complexion mix a spoon of Besan powder ,a pinch of Haldhi, and a few drops of Lemon juice and a few drops of Milk.Apply to the Face and leave for 30 mins and Wash.
*Apply Olive oil on the Hands every day.The Nails will be improved.

*For Chapped Lips massage them every night with Baby oil,or Cold Cream or Vaseline or atleast Ghee.

Wednesday 31 October 2012



MYSTIC KNOT..is a symbol which is red in colour,is used on the south west corner wall,is called as love knot.This symbol is also considered as lucky symbol which represents a long life uninterrupted with heart breaks and seperations..It improves the relations in the family members .When it is placed in an office in the south west corner it maintains loyalty and good relations between the boss and his workers..
An ideal purchase for a sweet and happy home of good relations..



Phoenix- is an mythological and imaginary creature and long living  of the fengshui since ancient days.Phoenix symbolises good luck of wish fulfillment.Activate the south area of your living room/office  by placing a symbol of phoenix.It brings name fame and recognition and luck oppurtunities.Good luck can also be activated by placing phoenix painting on south wall.An ideal suggestion for everyone.
It symbolises the south area with its red colour,not only for personal use but it is also an ideal gift in occassions.


Coins -a good metallic fengshui cures,can be placed as a set of 3 coins,in business areas like offices and shops.They can be placed on cash registers,on telephone to attract clients.This coin is large in size,and has zodiac animals engraved on it..place in cash box..

Copper Coins ..which are small in size,3 coins tied with a red thread as a set ,are used as wealth symbols in fengshui..Place the 6 to 7,or 9 sets of coins which symbolize wealth,in your handbags,purses,and cash boxes as well as lockers..Place a few coins sets  in a ceramic bowl in the west / north west,to activate the metallic area.The coins can also be used while preparing a wealth vase along with crystals and precious stones..

Saturday 7 July 2012


The whole universe is protected by God,a puja room is a place where we pray and meditate on God who is protecting us.This is the place where we do meditate and do  japas and archanas.Likewise by creating a pleasant and sacred atmosphere in a puja room,and do our daily prayers,we do have many advantages.
There are a few tips to be shared;
•The puja room is to be located in the north east of the home,which we call in telugu as Eeshanya mula..
That is in the north east corner of the house.If puja room is in right place,you will feel charged and rejuvenated after puja and meditation,and the mind will be calm without wandering into different places at the time you sit to worship.
 •The photoes of the dead ancestors should not be placed in the puja room.
 •The idols and pictures of the God should be placed in the north side or east side of the room.
The person who is doing puja should face either east or north direction.
 •The puja room should not be placed near the toilet,and there should not be a toilet adjacent,above the puja room,or below a puja room.
 •Puja room should not be built under a stair case, nor a basement.
 •The deepam should be placed on the left hand side of the God.(on our right hand side)
 •Avoid clutter and empty tins and empty sachets of haldhi kumkum,in the puja room.A puja room  should be absolutely clean.
 •A pujapat place should not be in the bedroom
 •A ventilator is a must in a puja room.
 •The walls should be painted in white,or light yellow.
 •Cupboard should be placed in the south or west direction in a puja room
 •A puja room is meant for puja,do not make it a store room
 •A puja room should not be created under a bathroom.
 •A puja room should not be placed under the beams of the house.
 •By worshipping god, by facing  the east,Turpu eeshanyam,then riches & good name and fame will be  earned,by the family members..it is important to gain positive energies to connect to god.
 •Where as worshipping God by  placing in the north,wealth will be accumulated.
 •By using scented flowers for puja,a sweet fragrance of flowers is spread in the house which  acts as aroma therapy,thereby clearing the diseases.
 •Bell should not be hung in a puja room.
 •The roof should be low when compared to the remaining rooms,for this false ceiling will be helpful.
 •The deepam and agarbathis,and harathi karpuram ,sambrani dhupam which will be lit in the puja time,removes the negative bad energy,there by welcoming a positive and good energy in the home.
 •Likewise spending atleast 15 mins of time in worshipping in a sacred place which is related to fengshui,called as a puja room removes all the obstacles in the life,thereby welcoming prosperity.

Tuesday 22 May 2012



Wealth ship...,is a wealth symbol,which enhances the prosperity and wealth luck when it is placed in a direction,as if the wealth ship is sailing into your home/office.
  • Returning to home from its triumphant from its various conquests,it lodges in to your harbour/ home bearing gold and valuables as Success Trophies from its various victories.
  • Place in the north east or southwest sector of you home office.
  • Place the golden wealth ship sailing into your house/office entering from outside to boost income increasing the oppurtunities for business..
  • Place the Wealthship asif its sailing from outside in to the home and not to about to sail out through the door.
  • Use more than one ship to represent differant sources of income..  

Monday 21 May 2012


Kitchen-we can call it as- My secret of energy is my kitchen.We will spend atleast 3 to 4 hours daily in the kitchen.We have to adjust and place  the appliances as per fengshui.
•Keep the kitchen well ventillated.
 •The colours should be in yellow,earth colour.By using the colours related to earth the digestion will be perfect and healthy .The food cooked in such place gives a good health.
 •Do not store clutter in the kitchen room.News papers,empty tins which are not useful should be removed .
 •Donot display sharp edged  knifes, and scissors,place them in drawes.Store spatulas,griddles etc should be kept in a closed almirahs.
 •The positive energy of good luck-CHI should not be abrupted by any sharp edges donot keep sharp edged utensils or objects in open.
 •Do not place the stove very near or quite opposite to water tap or fridge.Coz the friction in between the hot and cool energys between fire and water,will lessen the positive good energy,there by the effects will be reflected on the person who is cooking there ,and also on the food. So to lessen the effects place a small wood partition between water tap and stove, between fridge and stove.
 •The stove  should not be placed before a bathroom,or quite opposite to a bathroom, but if is placed like that...donot worry,there is a solution according to fengshui.See that the bathroom door will be closed automatically,arrange spring door.Place a small pot of atleast artificial flowering plant on the side of  bathroom door.
 •Stove should not be placed exactly opposite to main door,but if it is placed like that..the solution is arrange a convex mirror outside the main entrance.
 •Keep the stove away from window.
 •Use your stove as much as possible.The stove is the symbolic of wealth.Maintain  colours of  greenery related to appliances.The stove represents your ability to maximise your potential.The more often you cook the easier it will be to take advantage of oppurtunities for health and wealth.
 •Keep fresh food out for people to enjoy.Abowl of fresh fruits can be kept .

Like wise we can transform our kitchens in to a fengshui kitchens.



As everybody knows,a dining room is a room,where all family members dine together,though how busy they are.
•Place a glass bowl of fruits, and prepared food on the dining table.
 •According to fengshui,place a big mirror on the wall in the opposite of dining table,which reflects fruits ,and  cooked food which were kept on the dining table .By this the food qtys kept on the table are doubled,which represents the financial stability of the house.
 •When the dining table is to be placed in a drawing room  in your house,then there is no problem,place  a partition between dining table and the main door.Or else you can place artificial plants or trees in between.
 •Dull and pale colours in the dining room makes a person dull,as such colours reduces the food intake.
 •Where as brighter shades when used makes the room quite attractive,there by creating an urge in you to spend some of  your quality of the time to spend there, feel hungry and want to eat.
 •And pictures and posters relating to food and fruits are to be fixed on the walls in the dining room,and avoid war scenes or wild animal pictures.
 •Regarding the chairs of the dining table,they should be spacious and big ,so that you can sit spaciously with hands resting on the dining table.
 •The dining table should be oval or round,avoid sharp edges.
 •Avoid junk food,and prepare tastily in the home.
 •Avoid pizzas and burgers.
 •Have fresh fruits and raw foods.
 •Place a mirror on the wall,so that the food kept on the dining table will be reflected in the mirror,which represents health and wealth.
 •Make it a habbit to dine together the family members atleast once in a day,which develops the unity in big and combined families.
 •Keep the fridge full with food.
 •Dimn lights are preferred.
 •Remove clocks and calemdes and have a pleasant meal.
 •Switch off the cells in a dining room
 •Soft music preferably instrumental can be played in a low voice.
 •Last but not the least,saying a prayer brings good energy in the room.
 •So take a minute time before beginning the meal for giving thanks to the abundance given by the god.

•The dining room should not be placed under a bathroom (in the first floor)
 •Remove clutter and waste.



Wealth Ingots-Round Symbol
is a good auspicious symbol and a very good show piece too in the living room.
  • When a single Ingot brings wealth and fortune into the home,then so many ingots when placed on a mount how prosperous it would be,it is a good symbol related to wealth.
  • Place near all the other wealth symbols like Laughing Buddha on a table.
  • It is a good purchase and as well as a gift for occassions like marriages and gruhapraveshams/House warmings.




Lakshmi Gavvalu /Sea shells which are in yellowish white colourbis considered as Lakshmi Gavvalu,which represent Sri Maha Lakshmi Maatha.
  • Lakshmi Gavvalu are available in Ocean/sea.
  • In hinduism,it is believed that Gavva as Sri Lakshmi Maathas sister,as they too come from oceans,the place from which Sri Lakshmi Maatha emerged while Ksheerasaagara Madhana is performed, along with Amrutham(Nectar),Kamadhenu(wish granting cow),and Kalpa vruksham(wish granting tree) etc.
  • Place Lakshmi Gavvalu / sea shells in the Altar/Puja mandir along with Sri Maha Lakshmi Devi and Lord SrimanNarayana,and pray daily to have wealth and fortune in abundance and prosper..



Wou-lu accompanied with ingots is a good symbol of fengshui.
Place in the living room or child room,it is a good hanging for health and wealth.Display on the wall in the east sector,or your personal health place in the room/office.Its not only for personal but a good gift too. 



GOMATHI CHAKRAS...,Gomathi chakra is a natural form of shell stone is found  found in Gomathi river ,near Dwaraka,Gujarath ,India..
  • Gomathi chakra resembles the Sudarshan chakra of Lord Maha Vishnu,Lord Sri Krishna,and is also used as Yanthra and worshipped.
  • It is said that people who have Gomathi Chakras are Blessed with both health ,wealth and good financial growth and as well as prosperity..
  • It is also believed that it protects the children in the home.
  • Some people burry gomathi chakras in the foundation of their building as it is believed to bless the residants of the home with longlife and prosperity.
  • For Business:Some people hang them in a red cloth,in front of the house for peace and prosperity.
  • It has protective powers and it brings wealth health and good luck.
  • If you have financial problems take 3 no.s of Gomathi chakras ,and powder them with a stone/pestle and sprinkle the powder in front of you home.
  • Repeat it 3 to 4 times in a month,surely a change will be seen in the improvement of financial matters.
  • Keep 11 no.s of G.Chakras near by the God during Puja /prayer time.After the puja take them out and place themin your Cash box in your Locker.
  • It is good to worship them on Diwali evening ..it is said that Lakshmi Maatha will bless you round the year..
For recovering Debts:
  • To recover the debts which are given to a friend/relative,who is not repaying your money back,write the name of the debtor on a piece of square of yellow paper(write the name of the person who has to repay you back)and also the complete wish that u want your money back.
  • Then place 11 no.s of GomathiChakras and eight fold it and place in your southwest  of your home.
  • Or, keep 11gomathi chakras  one by one and repeat your wish to get repaid  your money back,and keep in a yellow cloth. Wrap it and keep in the puja rooms mandir this completes the wish very soon..
  • To reduce the waste expenses,place 11no.s of G.Cs wrapped in a red cloth and keep it in rice,it ensures prosperity in the kitchen..  



Fengshui Rooster brings good fortune and joyful events.
  • It is a strong,confidant and protective character.
  • It is the only creature that acts naturally like an alarm clock waking up the people by sunrise in the morning.
  • The brass rooster is made of the characteristics that are needed for fengshui potency..
  • As rooster because of its strong character of ability,it can cure many situations such as protecting its owner against business competitor for business,and to prevent 3rd party of love affairs and back stabbing of colleagues in work places or offices,and also at the times of arguements and having peers in politics.
  • Display in the northwest of your living room/office desk if you have problems in relations, like arguements,back stabbings among colleagues etc..